Two teenage vampire brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley & Ian Somerhalder) vie for the attention of schoolgirl Elena, all while trying to survive in a supernatural town where everybody holds a secret. Why She'll Love It The first season takes a while to get going but the series soon hits its stride when the love triangle begins between Elena, the noble and courageous Stefan and the sadistically evil Damon. Throw in the usual gossiping, slightly-meandering drama and surprisingly clever plot-twists and you're half way there to appreciating what The Vampire Diaries is all about. Couple Rating - 4/5 A lighter more nuanced version of True Blood with clever plots and electric on-screen chemistry between the three leads.
Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!