7 Doctor Who Villains That Badly Need A Revamp

4. Silurians

The Silurians are another one of those enemies that are in a bit of a tricky place. They have only appeared in a single story in the past four years other than a recurring character in the form of Victorian detective Madame Vastra, and a number of background cameos when a lot of characters are needed to fill out a scene on the cheap. The Silurians introduced in The Hungry Earth were too heavy a narrative and design change, despite being explicitly referred to as a separate tribe to those seen in Classic Who. Although they had the Silurian backstory of hibernating to avoid a disaster that never happened, they were closer to generic lizard creatures than Silurians. The next Silurian appearance should be a new variant closer to the original since the new Silurians are just a bit too close to humans. The redesigned prosthetics allow the actors to be more expressive but it€™s harder to buy into the possibility of such huge racially motivated tension between humans and Silurians when their only real physical difference is scaly skin and a retractable tongue. Dated costumes aside, the original Silurians genuinely did look like something that could have crawled out of the ocean. And the psychic third eye was definitely a point their favour since it enhanced their difference from humans and made for an excellent weapon and plot point. Also, as part of a revamp, a better variety of story is needed. The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood were (to all intents and purposes) a remake of Doctor Who And The Silurians. Which should be avoided at all costs when the next Silurian story comes along.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.