7 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Have Seemingly Disappeared

7. Beric Dondarrion

Last Seen: Dondarrion was last seen in series three as the head of the Brotherhood Without Banners - a rebel faction that ambushed and captured Arya Stark and The Hound. Having been accused of murder by Arya, the Hound is forced into a trial by combat by Dondarrion, whose faith in the God of Light sees him take an advantage against his opponent by way of a flaming sword. When the tides turn and the Hound eventually strikes down Dondarrion, he's surprised to see the Lightning Lord revived by his companion, Thoros of Myr. His seemingly supernatural powers remain as one of the show's biggest questions but one that seems to have fallen from everyone's radar. Looking Forward: After Arya fled the company of the Brotherhood, little have been heard of them since. After the massacre of the Red Wedding, they serve as one of the few factions openly resisting the Lannister rule and continue to serve the common folk of the Riverlands. If the Lannisters are to be toppled, one could bet that Beric Dondarrion and his men will have some part to play before long.

Aspiring screenwriter. Avid Gooner. Saving the rest of the self-descriptive stuff for the autobiography.