7 Most Hated Characters In The Walking Dead

3. Lori Grimes

Until her violent and traumatic departure in season three, Lori may have been the most detested character in The Walking Dead €“ and not intentionally so. Written and portrayed as a strong, generous and loving mother and wife, audiences seemed to focus all of the blame for the affair with Shane directly upon Lori, although it clearly takes two to tango. Even her swift decision to reconcile with Rick upon his return €“ a man who she had been having significant issues with before his injury and, you know, the end of the world €“ didn€™t seem to soften viewers towards her. As with Carl, part of the problem may stem from audiences€™ identification with Rick as the hero-protagonist of the show. Just as they didn€™t enjoy seeing him having to spend his time looking after a surly pre-teen son, Lori€™s habit of taking Rick to task and demanding the unreasonable appears to have made her seem shrewish in their eyes. Whatever the reasons, and whether they're fair or not, Lori became the most reviled character in the show in season two, in the absence of a definite bad guy to root against. While the comic series that forms the source of much of the plot for the television show chose to have the Governor shoot Lori in the back, the show€™s producers elected to have Lori die in the prison after the horror of a caesarian section delivery of her baby without anaesthetic.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.