7 Huge Mistakes Made By Game Of Thrones Characters

5. Robb Going Back On His Word

Ah, the folly of young love! We€™ve all been there before. Nothing else matters in the world because someone has stolen your heat. But hey, this is Westeros; pull your head out of the clouds, Robb! This is Walder Frey we€™re talking about! Robb needs Frey€™s permission in order to cross the Green Fork river and move his army south and the only way the curmudgeon (and that€™s the nicest way to describe this slimy SOB) that is Lord Frey will allow this is for Robb to agree to marry one of Frey€™s many daughters. Robb reluctantly says yes, but soon finds himself deeply in love with young Talisa (or Jeyne in the books), marrying her not long after. The thing that€™s hardest to take is that he knows he€™s breaking his word with a man that everyone around him, his mother most of all, has told him cannot be trusted. But honour comes as second nature to a Stark, so Robb returns to Frey to admit his wrongs and ask for forgiveness. Of course, the fact that he now needs Frey€™s army more than ever plays a big part in it as well. To make amends, Robb€™s uncle will marry one of the Frey girls and everything will be right as rain. Unless it€™s the Rains of Castamere we€™re talking about. In that case, you end up with a dead wife, dead mother, a decimated army, and your head detached from your shoulders. Maybe the core lesson here is simple: listen to your mother.

I've been a huge sci-fi fan ever since going to see "Star Wars" at the tender age of 3 (and yes I actually do remember it! I love pretty much any intelligent and entertaining film and television series (some of my all time favorites are 2001, Lawrence of Arabia, Battlestar Galactica [SyFy], and The West Wing). Must thank the stars above for such things as HBOGO and Netflix (Am thoroughly enjoying Ripper Street btw). I've also been an avid comic book collector since childhood. I earned a bachelor's degree in creative writing with a second emphasis in film studies from Florida State University (Go Noles!) and definitely enjoy sitting back and watching pretty much any sports. I wish I had a joke to end with, but I don't so I'll simply say "The End."