7 Immensely Disappointing Things In Dragon Ball Super That Need Fixing

3. None Goku/Vegeta Characters Are Already Being Left In The Dust

Just think for a second how much potential Goten and Trunks possess. I mean, those two became super saiyans (on their own), and learned to fuse before hitting puberty. The focus doesn't need to be taken away from Goku and Vegeta, but it would be great if the kids were added to it. With so much room for improvement due to their young age, it's a wonder that their fathers aren't sneaking them off on training sessions from time to time. Ever since the Cell saga Goku wanted to leave someone behind that could protect the planet if he wasn't around, and that was supposed to be Gohan. With that plan gone in the water, Goten seems like an even better candidate. Also, Vegeta has already stated that under no circumstance is his son to be left in the dust by Goten. All in all, it would be a huge waste if those two rascals were to be left behind in Dragon Ball Super, instead of watching them grow into fighters like their fathers as the story continues. And to be honest, Goten being the spitting image of Goku helps the cause.

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