7 Legendary TV Characters Who Deserve A Prequel Spin-Off

4. Alice Morgan - Luther

Ever since The Joker arrived in The Dark Knight way back in 2008, there has been an increase in villain characters who have no backstory, no plan and zero morals, thus giving the character €“ and the show€™s creators €“ license to do pretty much anything with them. Alice Morgan is one such character, and she is one of the most fascinating and terrifying antagonists to hit UK screens. Idris Elba needed somebody great to be pitted against in Luther, and Alice Morgan (played by Ruth Wilson) is a cold, calculating and playful screen presence who you never want to see brought to justice, even though London would be a much safer place is she was. Obsessed with Elba€™s DCI John Luther to the point that she murders almost everyone close to or against him to ensure they will be together. Alice€™s prequel would answer Luther fans big question: €œWhat made you?€ It would follow her early years as a child prodigy, where she studied at Oxford University at the age of 13, and lead up to the moments where she murdered the parents she hated, which puts her on the path to meeting a certain DCI John Luther.

Daley is a freelance writer, blogger and filmmaker. Since graduating in Creative Writing and Journalism, he has written about everything from Film, Music, Boxing and Digital Marketing. He has also written and produced short films which have been shown in Festivals all over the world.