7 Reasons Why Girls Season 3 Is Already Better Than Season 2

5. The One-Liners

Season one was full of some killer one-liners. Some of the classics being, "I could be a drug addict, do you realise how lucky you are?" or "I feel like I'm the voice of my generation...at least a voice of...a generation." And so on. What made them so funny was the conversational manner they were spoke. It didn't feel like a punch-line, it was simply a conversation and we, as the audience, are allowed to laugh when we please. Season two did have some lines that made us chuckle - for example, "you're a great dancer." "Thanks, I know." - but they weren't as memorable as season one, nor were they as funny. Now, with season three storming back onto the screen, the one-liners are even more hilarious. Some of the killers being: "I will never be bored as long as there's Halloween," "This rocking chair is so pointy it's not giving me any room to express myself," or "I highly doubt they have turkey bacon. If they had turkey bacon I'd be shocked." Random lines that make us laugh because they're random and because they work. Season one and season three have an understanding of humour - how it works, how to relish the awkwardness and conversational way of slipping in jokes. Season two, however, was clouded with the seriousness - with Hannah's OCD and loneliness, with Marnie and Charlie working on their relationship, Shoshanna and Ray breaking up, Jessa's family problems. These were all interesting storylines but they detracted from any one-liners that had us on the ground laughing. Season three is doing just that, killing us with these punchy one liners. And if episode three - released on Sunday - is anything to by, it's only going to get better.

Thomas Stewart is a graduate from the University of Glamorgan and currently a student on the MA in Writing course at the University of Warwick. He is a Freelance Writer for Mens Fashion Magazine, Make and Believe, Smashpipe and more. As well as writing, he loves horror films, folk music, Raymond Carver, patterned jumpers, Richard Yates, curry, Scarlett Thomas, editing, chick-flicks, watches and biscuits.