7 Reasons Why Girls Season 3 Is Already Better Than Season 2

4. Jessa's Back

When Jessa disappeared in season two it left us with a nice sense of ambiguity. The context - the fact she'd gone home and her father was as disappointing as always - fitted her departure. To make the whole thing complete, it fitted Jessa's character. From the beginning we knew she was a flaky person so to leave in a crisis wasn't new. But it was done well. We were Hannah in this situation - we were the ones abandoned, waiting for a train back to New York. So when it was said that Jessa would return in season three we put our annoyed abandonment to the side and got excited. Jessa returns in the first episode in a rehab facility and just before we had any chance to forget our love for her, we were reminded. There she sits in the group therapy sessions, both bored and hiding her laughter. When asked about her life she says that she's had it figured out since she was five years old. She doesn't want to be in this facility, she rebels and we watch thinking "this is so Jessa." Jessa has always been a larger than life character and her role in the show brings a new dynamic to the main four. She's back and we're happy for it. As well as this, when Hannah picks her up - after taking a road trip with Adam and Shoshanna - Jessa promises to stick around. So we have more of her - which the second half of the second season lacked - and we have her British accent and her beautifully long hair to continue to stun us.

Thomas Stewart is a graduate from the University of Glamorgan and currently a student on the MA in Writing course at the University of Warwick. He is a Freelance Writer for Mens Fashion Magazine, Make and Believe, Smashpipe and more. As well as writing, he loves horror films, folk music, Raymond Carver, patterned jumpers, Richard Yates, curry, Scarlett Thomas, editing, chick-flicks, watches and biscuits.