7 Reasons To Look Forward To The Narnia Reboot

1. The Co-Writer Of Coco Is At The Helm

Netflix Narnia
Disney Pixar

The fact that Matthew Aldrich will be the head of the project is very welcome news for Narnia fans. Coco is one of the best movies that Pixar has put out in recent years. So long as Aldrich puts the same amount of effort into the writing of Narnia as he did for Coco, the project should certainly wow audiences.

His participation in the project also brings a positive outlook on the potential diversity of the series. In an interview with DP/30 from 2018, he says, "from my very first introduction to the movie business it was all about who’s not being listened to and how can we help them get listened to.”

Coco is an incredibly well thought out, beautifully told story. It succeeds in possessing a child-like wonder, without making the adult watching along feel as though they are watching something that is meant for kids. Narnia's story has a similar magic to it, and with Aldrich's creative control, it should give the story a chance to thrive.

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