7 Reasons Westworld Is Your Next TV Addiction

2. It's A Head Scratcher

Westworld Anthony Hopkins Dr Robert Ford

We may only be two episodes into Westworld, but we are already asking ourselves WTF is actually going on? Anthony Hopkins has something tucked up his sleeve out in the desert of Westworld, and I'm thinking Dr. Ford is about to give his robots their memories back.

The whole first episode set up James Marsden's Teddy to be a heroic human saviour, whereas now he is reduced to another cannon fodder robot every week. Marsden was earlier pipped as the season's main man, but the focus is quickly moving onto Ed Harris's Man In Black. Is he a human, is he a robot, why did he say he was born in the park? The jury is out on just who M.I.B. really is, but I am sure it will be one hell of a journey to find out.

Not to mention the symbolism of the show. Milk (yes you heard) played a huge part in the first episode, leading you to ask, "What does milk have to do with robots?" It could have something to do with the viscous white liquid that out hosts are made out of. Meanwhile, Ed Harris's relentless Man in Black carries on a never ending search for a mysterious maze lurking somewhere in the theme park. Delve a little deeper and the show aims to explore the idea of gods (the humans) as the creators, and we are only just scratching the surface of Westworld. Whilst the constant turns and mystery may alienate some fans, for me, it couldn't be kooky enough.

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Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap