7 Reasons Westworld Is Your Next TV Addiction

1. Beyond Westworld To Futureworld

Westworld Anthony Hopkins Dr Robert Ford

The 1973 film managed a mixed-review sequel and a maligned TV series. In 1976 Futureworld took two journalists into another section of the park, dubbed Futureworld, where Peter Fonda and Blythe Danner had to stop the evil Delos Corporation from cloning world leaders. Only Yul Brynner returned from the original, and even that was only in a dream sequence.

If you weren't a fan of Futureworld, you definitely wouldn't have been a fan of the franchise's next outing. Beyond Westworld was the (very) short-lived television series which continued the events of of the first two films, but outside the confines of the theme park Away from the robots and safety of the park the formula didn't quite work. Airing on CBS in 1980, Beyond Westworld was pulled after just three of its five episodes.

Another film was rumoured since 1990, but the current incarnation has resurrected the Westworld name from the robotic graveyard. Rumoured delays on set were not due to reshoots, but producers planning out the next "five or six" years of the show. I have to ask though, "How long can robots run amok though before you just EMP them all?".

Marsden revealed just how large the scope of Westworld really goes. He told Entertainment Weekly that the show plans to run for the next five or six years. Just as Thrones was planned for 7-8 seasons, it looks like Nolan and co. have a clear end in sight. For those who expect a rehashing of the same story each season, then look away. Nolan seems pretty set on how the show will evolve:

We didn’t want to have a story that repeated itself [each year]. We didn’t want the Fantasy Island version of this [where new guests arrive at the park every season]. We wanted a big story. We wanted the story of the origin of a new species and how that would play out in its complexity

If you aren't hooked yet, you should be.

What are your thoughts on Westworld so far? Let us know down in the comments.

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Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap