7 Reasons Why Oz Was The Most Groundbreaking TV Show Ever

4. Nothing We Haven’t Seen Before


Oft times when inmates get out, they mention the privacy. Privacy’s a privilege convicts are stripped of and Oz is no different. No safe spaces, no alone time unless you’re in solitary, no private restrooms and of course the showers are communal.

The amount of nudity and sex in this show is off the charts. Nothing is sacred here, everyone knows and sees everyone all the time and we as viewers are no different.

Believe it or not, there was a time in the land of the small screen when full frontal nudity and scenes of a sexual nature were frowned upon. A rarity banned by most networks to appease commercial sponsors. Not HBO however, and breaking this once taboo subject has become a notorious signature of theirs as the likes of Game of Thrones, Sex and the City and Westworld can attest. Not to mention Netflix’s own prison masterpiece, Orange is the New Black, which approaches this subject matter just as fearlessly and for very similar narrative reasons.

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