7 Reasons Why You Need To Revisit Californication

6. The Father/Daughter Dynamic

David Duchovny Californication

The relationship between Hank Moody and his daughter Becca is one of the show’s most important storylines, and one of the series’ biggest successes during its seven season run.

Hank is a dysfunctional, self-destructive a-hole a lot of the time, but it is his genuine, strong bond with his young daughter which stops him from falling into a completely irredeemable lost soul. Yeah, they have they bumps – some of them pretty severe – but their love is powerfully unconditional and great to see play out.

Adding to this dynamic is Becca as a character. Played by Madeleine Martin, she is often regarded as one of the show’s least likeable and more annoying characters, and whilst it’s easy to see how she’s received such a reputation, no one can deny that her growth from precocious pre-teen to mature adult was one of the show’s strongest emotional journeys.

Plus, if Hank was your father, you’d be a bit of a mess too.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other