7 Things That Should Be In A Misfits Movie

2. Lots of Profanities

This is important. Whenever any strongly adult TV series is being adapted for the big screen, there is always the chance that the producers will try to soften it a bit in order to appeal to a winder audience (aka make more money). This isn€™t necessarily a bad thing - studios will be more inclined to spend money on the movie if it has a lower rating- but if it is censored too much it won€™t feel enough like the show and will come across and a €˜soft€™ version. The movie doesn€™t have to be an 18 rating - the 3rd Series was a 15 and it was as rude and violent as ever - but it needs to retain the show€™s trademark sense of twisted humour. This means swearing, sex, violence, drugs, and everything else that makes the show uniquely Misfits, and ever so slightly wrong. If the BBFC guideline for the film doesn€™t state €˜Contains strong sex, violence, drug use and language€™, I for one will be disappointed.
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Isaac Scoulding hasn't written a bio yet, but if they had it would probably be hailed as one of the most important and influential pieces of literature of all time.