7 Times The Arrowverse Missed The Mark
3. <span Style="font-size: 15px;">Onomatopoeia</span>

When it came to villains, Arrow’s roster was a little bit hit or miss (pun absolutely intended).
On one hand, you have Deathstroke and Prometheus, who were Oliver’s greatest challenges. They owned the screen with every move that they made, and left their mark on the show forever. Then you have Cayden James, Ricardo Diaz and Cupid, who had good beginnings but then started chewing the scenery too much.
However, one of the missed opportunities was to have the Emerald Archer go up against the DC villain Onomatopoeia. So many villains in Arrow are connected to Oliver Queen in some way, either being a result of Oliver’s father’s list or somehow being tied to the island of Lian Yu.
What the writers of Arrow could have done with Onomatopoeia, though, is they could have made a villain who was just down right evil. Instead, the decision was made not to use this hugely fascinating rogue in the series.
A calculated, clinical killer whose only dialogue is speaking sounds aloud - such as saying "blam!" when pulling the trigger of a gun - Arrow could have made Onomatopoeia just a random member of the public who was always one step ahead of the Emerald Archer and his team.