7 TV Villains Secretly Introduced Way Earlier Than You Realise

5. The Scranton Strangler - The Office

Mindhunter Wayne Williams

In slightly more tongue-in-cheek fashion now, we have The Office's Scranton Strangler, a serial killer whose presence is first mentioned in the season six episode "The Delivery."

Now, while the Scranton Strangler is never actually physically seen over the course of the show, in season seven's "Viewing Party" we get a good look at his vehicle - a 2000 Mercury Cougar, which he's driving during the televised police chase that results in his capture.

But this isn't the first time we've seen this car - in the season six premiere "Gossip," Michael (Steve Carell), Dwight (Rainn Wilson), and Andy (Ed Helms) are seen performing parkour-style acrobatics across a number of cars, one of which is the very same 2000 Mercury Cougar.

While it's of course entirely possible this is simply a coincidence, considering the extreme attention-to-detail the showrunners apply to basically every aspect of The Office it's far more likely an implication that the Strangler, identified as a man named George Howard Skub, had business at Dunder Mifflin that day.

Some maintain that the car may belong to Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein), who many fans still insist is the real Strangler, but given that we've never seen Toby drive this car, it's far more plausible that the Strangler had business at either Dunder Mifflin or one of the surrounding companies.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.