Everyone loves a villain, right? Every story needs a bad guy and these characters can be among the most interesting to watch. In fact in some cases this could be taken to the extreme- the villains may be by far the most entertaining characters - typically in television this leads to them becoming the most important character in the whole show. This may not always be a good thing as it can feel as if the villain is beginning to have a stranglehold on the show, and is distorting it from what it is meant to be. In my opinion Klaus from The Vampire Diaries is one of these characters- though I do agree that he was the most intriguing to watch- he was far too powerful. It makes perfect sense that he is going to have his own show, he has outgrown TVD and needs his own space. In the best case scenario, the writers strike gold. They establish a villain that gives the series a brilliant and distinctive dynamic - the foe that our heroes need to battle - the person that more often or not drives the entire plot of the series. They dont all have to be comic book style arch-villains; they could simply be slimy businessmen or douche doctors. They do need to be gripping and we need to believe that they would be a threat to our heroes; if they can do this then they are on the right path. The effectiveness of a villain in television is determined by the writing, the actors performance and good old fashioned luck. If it all comes together, then we will be treated to a character, rivalry and of course a series that we will be discussing for years to come. Before we get to it I want to get this of the way, I have only just started to watch Breaking Bad. I have been hearing for a long time now that Gus Fring is one of the greatest villains in TV history, I hope this proves to be the case but Im still on the first season, so he hasnt shown up yet. Im sure that I will soon want to make an amendment to this list but as I havent seen the character I dont feel right about including him. So with that out of the way, lets have a look at 7 TV Villains That Became The Most Interesting Characters In The Show.