7 Ways Friends Lied To Us

1. You Wouldn't Like Friends Like Them

friends-1 Seriously. You DON'T want to have "friends" like that in your life. Hell, if you somehow meet anybody like them just run, run and don't look back because if you make the mistake of talking to them and actually becoming friends with someone like them, then may God have mercy on your poor soul. Remember that I mentioned earlier that there was a reason why none of them hang out with other people aside from the other 5 members of the group? Well, that is because they're horrible human beings. Sure, they helped each other and when bad things happened to them they could always count on them but support, but think about it for a moment and think about how many times they needed help from anyone else. Ok, now think about how many times they insulted each other, how many times they kept secrets from the others because they didn't want to see their reaction; how many times they forbid things to the others; how many times they criticized and attacked when somebody else had an addiction problem instead of doing something to help them overcome their problems; how many times they forced their viewpoints on the rest of them. You suddenly realize why none of them had any friends aside from the other guys in the group. Because nobody else wanted to be friends with them. This does explain a lot, and suddenly you have a bigger insight on why the characters behave like they did in the series, and why they had to endure the insults from the rest of the guys; because they were needed and desperate of attention and friendship that they couldn't risk to lose one of the few friendships that they had. That's really sad when you think about it, so be thankful that your life isn't like theirs, because if it is, then you have my sympathies.
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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.