7 Ways The Greatest Show In The Galaxy Is The Most Meta Doctor Who Ever

2. Is Whizzkid A Doctor Who Fan?

The answer to this question seems pretty self-evident. Whizzkid, from the very moment he appears, with his outsize glasses, comfy jumper and awkward bow-tie is the very definition of most people€™s idea of Doctor Who fan. It€™s a little bit of fun poking at the occasional eccentricities of fandom and while some people find his characterisation too on the nose, he does represent the kind of fan that the show has attracted over the years, one who knows everything about the series but is overly naïve about the real world. Whizzkid is a fan of the circus, of course, but the parallels are obvious. But despite his devotion, he€™s also not above criticising the Circus, albeit in a way that still allows his to identify as a fan: €œAlthough I never got to see the early days, I know it's not as good as it used to be but I'm still terribly interested.€ It was the kind of attention that Who was starting to attract: a fanbase afflicted by a strange nostalgia for something they never had the chance to see, almost apologising for their own interests to others. He was also exactly the kind of fan that Grade had so venomously criticised during the Colin Baker years, so Whizzkid€™s inclusion is probably not so much a poke at the actual fans as at Grade himself and his expectations of who they were.

R. M. McLean exists somewhere outside of time and space.