8 Actors Who Regretted Leaving Doctor Who

5. Peter Davison

Rose Tyler Doomsday beach Doctor Who
BBC Studios

In what is a rare situation for the majority of Doctors, Peter Davison bowed out on what might be his very best story. 1984's The Caves Of Androzani is a perennial classic, and even though ending on a high note is good, it was a shame that he regenerated at the exact same time his era peaked in quality.

Depending on your stance then, Davison's exit can either be viewed as timely or wasteful, and it seems like the actor himself may lean slightly towards the latter.

Over the years, Davison has expressed regret at not doing an extra season of the show. Even though he set himself a three-year limit when he first signed up, he wasn't so certain when the time came to actually regenerate, and due to the strength of some of his later stories, he came very close to sticking with Doctor Who for another year:

"I hummed and hawed for a long time. I had set myself three years, not knowing how I would feel at the end of those three years. It was touch and go - I almost did a fourth year. If I’d been offered Doctor Who when I was, say, fifty, then I would have gone on for many, many years."

While it does have its moments, the Colin Baker era is a low point for classic Who, so it definitely would've been interesting to see how things went if Davison had held on just a little bit longer. If The Caves Of Androzani is any indication, then a fourth season of the Fifth Doctor would've turned out really well.

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