8 Awful TV Shows That Were Clearly Doomed To Fail

2. Who's Your Daddy? (2005)


Whos Your Daddy

Adoption can be a very hard thing to deal with. You€™re giving up a part of you, and sometimes it€™s not under the best of circumstances. But what if years later you€™re able to meet the child you had to give up? You€™d be thrilled! But there€™s one big detail that would delay that: You€™re actually on a reality show, and your child has to try and pick you from 24 fakes. Thanks Fox!

Yes, what should be a tearful, joyous occasion was turned into a Bachelor-like elimination. Of course if they guessed correctly, they'd win a hundred grand. If they guessed wrong, the person they chose got the one-hundred grand instead. So we have a group of money-grubbing bastards playing against the real father and actively impeding the reunion of long-lost family. One episode aired before it was canned, and some affiliates didn't even air it at all. Shocker.


Writer and horror geek. I'm way too into pop culture and ripping bad movies apart.