8 Awful TV Shows That Were Clearly Doomed To Fail

1. Heil Honey I'm Home! (1990)

Heil Honey Im Home

It's a comedy starring Adolf Hitler. If you don't see what's wrong with the premise of this England-born show after the last sentence, I severely question your moral code. So in the off chance you need MORE proof, here we go. Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun are living in an alternate I Love Lucy dimension, complete with Jewish next door neighbors that (surprise!) Adolf doesn't quite care for.

It puts the evil dictator, his real life girlfriend, and other murderous characters from the hellish days of World War II in a wacky, '50s era comedy. It's probably the only show out there that was cancelled mid-episode. I€™m going to think way out of the box and guess someone felt World War II needed a funny spin put on it. Whoever thought that is a demented human being, and I hope they sat down to think about their life. You have to train hard to be that terrible, but hot damn, they managed it.


Writer and horror geek. I'm way too into pop culture and ripping bad movies apart.