8 Better TV Series That Were Secretly Hidden In Shows

6. The High School And College Years - Friends

Better Call Saul Gus Fring

Regularly finding unquestionable joy in their numerous hops back into the titular six pals' pasts throughout the global smash NBC sitcom, Friends' dive into the high school and college years of the group in particular gave us a glorious glimpse at what could've made for one of the most hilarious spin-offs of its time; or at the very least something a bit more exciting than the ill-fated Joey.

The likes of The One With The Prom Video and The One Where The Stripper Cries in particular both teased a variety of storylines that could've given the likes of Jennifer Aniston and co. enough material to get stuck into for a whole prequel spin-off season away from the modern day story, perhaps even keeping the long-running sitcom from growing a touch stale in its tenth and final season.

Ross and Chandler's disastrous attempts to get Way, No Way off the ground via gigs at the Asian Student Union.

How Rachel and Monica actually hit it off as unlikely BFFs in the first place.

Hell, why not even take a detour over to Queens to see what life was like within the overflowing Tribianni household during Joey's formative years, too.

Anything to get the gang back together and into their various side-splitting wigs and prosthetics again!

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...