8 Better TV Series That Were Secretly Hidden In Shows

5. Another Season With The OG Gang - Scrubs: Med School

Better Call Saul Gus Fring

Seemingly waving goodbye to all things Sacred Heart with a rather touching My Finale conclusion to Season Eight of the zany sitcom, news of Scrubs actually being semi-revived for a ninth almost-spin-off season by the name of Scrubs: Med School left many nursing a pool of mixed emotions.

And sure enough, instead of decisively handing the ball over to the next batch of interns - or med students in this case - the decision was made to rope in many of the OG docs for various main and supporting roles, with their constant charming presence unfortunately killing off any hopes the likes of Dave Franco and his fellow newcomers had of stepping out of Zach Braff, John C. McGinley and co.'s shadows.

In truth, all this half-arsed attempt at luring folks back for one more round of Scrubs-Lite did was remind fans that they had actually stuck around for the previous eight seasons because of the original players they'd invested countless hours of time into watching grow as bizarre humans and just about competent doctors.

So, would it have been that difficult to simply keep the action within a not-demolished hospital and have the likes of J.D., Turk, and Dr. Cox continue acting as central side-splitting mentors alongside everyone from Judy Reyes's Carla to Sarah Chalke's Elliot in their natural habitat instead? All while lacing in the show's tried and tested nuggets of heart-breaking drama and ushering in another generation?

Apparently so.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...