8 Cartoons Every Generation Should Grow Up Watching

5. Clone High

Clone High If you're keeping up with my posts, you'll notice that this show keeps making an appearance. It prompted my friend to shoot me a text saying "ENOUGH WITH CLONE HIGH!". He's never seen it, so he doesn't understand. Regardless of how much I write about this show, it's still a show that every kid should watch. The reason for this is the humour, mostly. I didn't watch this when I was growing up; I watched it a little more recently than that, but I wish I had seen it growing up, as it would have been so much funnier. This show puts cloned versions of famous historical figures through High School together, and I can't emphasize enough how much my body ached from laughing after I had watched this short-lived series for the first time.

A student of film in New York City, Chris’s true love is with television and he hopes that someday he will be able to work in a writer’s room on a great show. He is also a great juggler, certified in advanced scuba diving, and also a liar.