8 Craziest TV Fan Theories (That Actually Make Total Sense)

6. House Is An Adult Doogie Howser


An oldie but a goodie, this one. Since the advent of House, MD on US television in 2004, comparisons have been made between the grumpy, borderline sociopathic genius Doctor Gregory House, played by Hugh Laurie€ and the child genius Doctor Douglas €˜Doogie€™ Howser from Doogie Howser, MD (played by a very young Neil Patrick Harris, in the role that made him a household name).

The eerie similarities are seemingly endless. The similarity of the name of both the show and the central character€ and their huge, huge brains€ (okay, maybe there are only two eerie similarities) but it'€™s enough to make you wonder. What if Doogie, despairing at ever being taken seriously as a doctor due to his inability to shave and his high, wavering voice, developed a misanthropic attitude (compounded by the infarction in his right leg that led to constant agony and a painkiller addiction), disowned his family, slightly changed his name and went into diagnostics and mind games?

That would also explain his refusal to shave later on in life. Or maybe not. It€™'s a nice idea, though.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.