8 Deleted Scenes That Explain Confusing Doctor Who Moments

6. The Fire Alarm (School Reunion)

Doctor Who Robot of Sherwood Sheriff Clara

The Mystery

Near the end of School Reunion, the Doctor and his companions are cornered in a classroom by a group of bat-like Krillitanes. The Doctor tells Mickey to get all of the students out of the school safely, and then, wondering aloud, he asks himself how he's supposed to fight back against this particular enemy.

At this point, Kenny - a young student who has tagged along - randomly decides to hit a nearby fire alarm, which actually manages to irritate the Krillitanes, allowing the Doctor and his gang to run past them. Kenny isn't shown to be particularly smart or quick-witted, so it's a bit odd that he suddenly thinks of such a genius move, especially before the Doctor, who's normally the first person to devise a clever solution.

So... how does Kenny suddenly know that the alarm noise will impair the Krillitanes?

The Deleted Scene

A cut scene from the episode shows how Kenny arrives at the decision to whack the fire alarm: explaining his thought process to the Doctor, he says that, because the Krillitanes resemble bats, they must also have amazing hearing. He then hits the fire alarm and the Krillitanes scream, proving his theory correct.

While the episode works just fine without this scene, these extra few seconds do show that Kenny's decision wasn't as out-of-the-blue as it seems in the final cut.

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