8 Greatest TV Sitcoms About Comedians

2. Curb Your Enthusiasm

Larry David certainly knows how to make a good thing last. After successfully creating one of the most simultaneously beloved and reviled comedy characters in history in Seinfeld's George out of his own pettiness and weaselly nature, David decided to go one further and create a series about the real thing and show people just how likeable Constanza was in comparison. He ended up with the incomparably brilliant Curb Your Enthusiasm, which features David as himself along with a whole host of his Hollywood mates who he regularly humiliates himself in front of. Filmed in a cinema verite style, this cringe comedy of pain and anguish is populated with grotesque characters trying to do terrible and unnecessary things to each other, but none more than David, who deserves everything he gets. Still airing after beginning in 2000, Curb Your Enthusiasm has an odd deal with its cable network with HBO in which David doesn't have to make a season a year but can instead come to the company when he has a good idea for the show. That fact alone should tell you just how good Curb is. But, unfortunately, that's still not quite as good as the final entry on our list...

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.