8 Greatest TV Sitcoms About Comedians

1. Louie

Could it really have been anything else? Well, you might disagree but clearly we don't think so. Starring, written, created, directed and edited by (phew!) profane but equally profound New York comic Louis C.K., Louie is a chameleon of a show that posits itself simply as a comedy about the star's life performing shows, failing at love and raising his two young daughters, but regularly proves to be far, far more than that. Exercising complete, auterist control over his show, C.K. regularly performs experiments in the tone and style, sometimes switching to black and white, occasionally having episodes that occur almost entirely in flashback but always testing the boundaries of what a sitcom can and should be, and the amount of love and humour the comedian clearly puts into every frame of Louie shows. The best way we can probably describe Louie is "Seinfeld if it was actually about something," but even that doesn't do it justice because it just has too damn much heart. The jokes are hilarious, the revelations raw, the emotional moments heartbreakingly touching and the guest appearances - including a wonderful Robin Williams cameo in season three - delicious. If you're not watching Louie, it's not too late to start. What do you think? Was our order correct, or would you have included totally different shows? Let us know in the comments!

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.