8 Hated TV Episodes That Deserve Redemption

7. The Waldo Moment - Black Mirror

The Simpsons Principal And The Pauper
Channel 4

Anthology series often vary wildly in quality from episode to episode, which is only natural when you’re dealing with completely new concepts every time. Black Mirror is no exception, with episodes like Nosedive or San Junipero receiving almost universal adoration and others, such as The Waldo Moment, getting quite the opposite reaction.

As with other Black Mirror episodes, it is genuinely terrifying to see how accurately it has predicted events in our modern world.

Comedian Jamie Salter plays Waldo, an animated blue bear who ridicules politicians on his TV show. Jamie soon finds himself voicing Waldo in the real world as the cartoon runs in a by-election against a Conservative politician. Waldo becomes increasingly popular due to his refusal to play by the political rules and his foul-mouthed takedowns of what Jamie sees as careerist establishment politicians.

What may have seemed like a far-fetched plot when the episode was broadcast in 2013 is all too relevant now. With the rise of figures like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, who came to power almost exactly in the way that Waldo does here, this episode has only grown in stature these past few years.

It’s by far one of the most chilling episodes in a show made up almost exclusively of them.

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