8 Outrageous Hidden Adult References In Hey Arnold!

6. "Wearing Nothing But A Smile" (The Journal, S5, E14-15)

Hey Arnold 1 This next one is sort of similar to the previous one, but it's creepy in a different way. For a start, this is a quote from an adult (Arnold's father no less), which instantly makes it more acceptable, though still highly inappropriate for a children's TV show some would say. Next, he's talking about his wife, again, making it slightly more acceptable. Then it gets bat-s**t crazy again. Grandpa's reading this to Arnold. Now I don't have children, but if/when I do, I probably won't write a detailed letter on their conception, and I certainly wouldn't get my dad to read it out. My Dad's a bit scary to begin with, I think this would push him beyond the point of socially acceptable. Anyway, I digress. Not only does Grandpa read it, in the show the writers make a point of what is said in the journal, with Grandpa Phil desperately trying to back track... maybe next time just stick to a comic book, eh Grandpa?
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Hey Arnold!
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