8 Popular TV Characters Who Originated On A Different Show

5. Harriette & Carl Winslow (Family Matters)

1st Appearance: Perfect Strangers Carl Otis Winslow is many things: A husband, a father, a police officer, and someone who deserves an award for not beating his incessantly annoying neighbor to death with his nightstick. But the one thing he is not is a creation of Family Matters. And the same goes for his all-too understanding wife, Harriette. In fact, Harriette is the first of the Winslow clan to show up on television, as a sassy elevator operator in Season 3 of Perfect Strangers (another show in ABC's increasingly incestuous TGIF lineup). Carl was introduced in the next season and the resulting chemistry between the two actors and overall popularity with the audience gave producers the idea to give the couple their own show. So now you know who's really to blame for Urkel.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.