8 Potential Story Ideas To Expand The Breaking Bad Universe

5. Deprived, And Lesser

Breaking Bad Krysten Ritter

In Better Call Saul, Johnathon Banks' silent, and morally pledged rendition of Gus Fring's hired gun Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad, allows us to know more about the man who starkly contrasted Walter White's whinging and ambition.

In the spin-off, we learned, and saw glimpses of Mike's life directly proceeding his retirement from law work.

It would be riveting to see a hopeful Mike Ehrmantraut with his son Matt still being alive, and the two pursuing law enforcement in Philadelphia.

Along with the new area the show would be based in, we'd of course witness the change in the police department as it would become apparent that many of the police guards are crooked.

The only thing this story would be faced with is having to recast Mike to fit in time, yet in the face of that there would be an intriguing premise for the show-runners to explore, and a previously stated antagonistic force left for them. Flash-fowards with Mike, played by Johnathon Banks, would make this idea feel more associated with the Breaking Bad brand, and more concrete.

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Just some Irish lad that appears and disappears.