8 Problems With Torchwood: Miracle Day

2. The Blessing

torchwood_blessing I€™m going to go ahead and address the elephant in the room right now. Who the hell designed this thing? No creature/organism in sci-fi has looked this much like a vagina since the Sarlacc in Return Of The Jedi. Okay, maybe that giant Facehugger at the end of Prometheus but the point still stands. And to add to the Freudian nightmare that is the Blessing, it sucks in blood like some kind of fleshy vacuum cleaner. Which makes you really wonder what happened to the guy who was pushed into it. But anyway, unfortunate character design aside, this is just a really stupid idea. The human race is living in symbiosis with an enormous organic underground crevasse that, coincidentally, has never been discovered by anyone in the course of human history except the Three Families and which changes the entire condition of the human race the moment someone pours Jack€™s blood into it. It also reveals the inner truth of yourself to you when you approach it. Because why not? But the most annoying thing is that we never find anything about it. After nine and a half episodes of buildup, waiting to find out what exactly this thing is and how it€™s able to change the whole of humanity, the answer we get is literally €œWe don€™t know€. That€™s what the Three Families tell Torchwood and, by extension, the audience. The thing is just there and they€™ve worked out how to use it to an extent but have no clue what the hell it is, where it came from, or what it does. Thanks, writers. What a satisfying conclusion. Oh and on another note, the Blessing runs right through the Earth. So how the hell do the characters face it while standing?
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.