8 Reasons Futurama Doesn't Need A Season 8
2. It Already Had Two Perfect Endings
The fundamental problem with resurrecting Futurama is that it already had a perfect ending. Twice. Whilst the end of season 4 finale The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings was more open-ended, it served as a low-key ending that suggested Fry and Leela would work out for each other after all. After being revived as films and then as a series on Comedy Central, Futurama had to come up with an emotional finale once more, and it appeared that this time it would stick.
Meanwhile is one of those high-concept but emotionally intimate episodes that the series does so well. After Fry's proposal to Leela goes spectacularly wrong, the pair are left frozen in time. They can move around, but everything else around them is frozen in one particular moment. They get married, grow old together and travel the stars.
Right up until the final moments it appears that this is the very end for Futurama. The frozen moment conceit neatly mirrors how Fry originally ended up in the 31st century. Although Farnsworth fixes the problem at the very end, leaving things open-ended, Meanwhile is an emotionally satisfying end to the series.
Or it would have been if there weren't about to be twenty more episodes.