8 Reasons Reading 'The Last Best Hope' Is Essential To Understand Star Trek Picard

5. Romulan Resistance

The Last Best Hope

The Romulans had always been a deeply secretive and distrusting race. The very idea at opening their borders to another power would be antithetical to everything that the Empire stood for. They would not allow anything to be done with ease and they fought Picard every step of the way. While it might seem strange that the Empire would fight their own salvation, it is shown that there was a massive political propaganda engine churning throughout the entire relief effort.

When Picard recounts the rescue, he describes it as being like Dunkirk, with millions of Romulan citizens trying to escape with their lives. These same citizens wanted almost nothing to do with outsiders. For every victory, Picard was faced with those trying to defeat the effort. One settlement forced Romulans into concentration camps. Another city was governed by a mad senator who would sooner see his people die than give up his power.

When the deadline had passed by a mile, only then did the Romulan Ambassador to the Federation come to Starfleet to officially request their aid. Picard, ever the pragmatist, asked where the Empire stood with their own evacuation and is chilled to learn that, with precious time already vanishing, that no effort has been made to resettle Romulan citizens. The Federation relief effort was then the only chance that millions of Romulans had to survive. But time was not on their side.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick