8 Reasons Why You Should Binge Superstore On Netflix

7. Cheyenne Thompson

Superstore NBC

How can you not just love Cheyenne? She is not only funny but also represents a large portion of women who work in customer service in terms of her being a young mother and wife. She is typical of the efforts that a working-class family embodies on a day-to-day basis in order to survive.

She is initially presented to us as the cliché 'thick' character in the series but as we keep going, she becomes the best part of the show and demonstrates a raw mind capable of great intellect. Her ability to see humour in any situation and her nervous laugh are just about the funniest parts of any episode that she is in.

Her emotional resonance and good-hearted nature make her the one people connect with the most. Cheyenne's lot in life isn't the grand spectacle that she dreams of but she is genuinely happy with her moronic husband Bo, and their daughter Harmonica.

She is impossible not to like and represents the moral heart of the show. In some way, she isn't too dissimilar to Jesse Pinkman, in that she is the illustrative soul of the entire series. Which is a testament to Nichole Sakura's performance.

Cheyenne currently has a spin-off in the works.

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