8 Reasons Why You Should Binge Superstore On Netflix

1. The Real Life Parallels

Superstore NBC

In the real world, people generally don't like going to the store to buy food, it is a mundane process that most people want to be done as fast as possible. As it is with the staff who just want people in and out as quickly as can be with minimal fuss.

This is something that Superstore manages to get across very well. You don't go to a supermarket for the customer service and the people that work in the store are generally not the best customer service reps in the world. The main cast know this and manage to imbue the whole series with an apathy for their on-screen purpose that does speak to real life.

The friendship bonds that are depicted in the show are very real too, the way in which certain cliques are formed and the interaction between certain characters feel like they are lifted directly from real-life working in a supermarket.

All in all, Superstore has a really obvious commitment to its parody, as well as to the realities of front-line customer interactions.

Very few other shows have struck this tone as well as Superstore, whilst maintaining a comedic line in the sand.

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