8 Reasons Why You Should Watch Banshee

Violent. Intense. Atmospheric. Funny. Romantic. Emotional. Unmissable.

Anthony Starr Banshee

Banshee is a show that has something to offer everyone. For 'Game of Thrones' fans looking for a new fix, this has twice as much sex and gore. It makes Game of Thrones look like child's play. For casual TV lovers, it's got vibrant characters, visceral fight scenes, witty humour and a tongue in cheek tone that makes this an irresistible watch. It has the pulpy feel of a John Wick movie, mixed in with a classic Western.

It's very easy to recommend this show to anyone. It's definitely a crowd pleaser, and it knows it. To really convince you, let's break down 8 reasons why you should give this show your time.

A word of warning: if you don't like blood, don't go anywhere near this show. It's not your cup of tea; trust me.

8. It's One Of The Best Action Shows Of The Past Decade

Anthony Starr Banshee

Few shows have this many exemplary elements in them. The acting, character work, action, tone, and pacing are all top of the class. This feels like TV's answer to John Wick: a pulpy, violent action show with memorable characters and an engaging world.

The emotion behind the action is always front and centre. There's always a reason for the extremely bloody fight you are watching. The action comes in when necessary, and finishes when it's no longer needed. You could be watching a cheesy fight between the Sheriff and a brash MMA fighter, but the weight of that fighter beating an innocent woman the night before still lingers.

If you're a fan of the action genre, you owe it to yourself to give this one a try.

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Avid writer of screenplays, blog posts and more. Love Tarantino, pirates, horror, and the UFC. I'll watch or play just about anything. I adore every aspect of filmmaking; editing, writing, music, sound design, cinematography, production design, acting, and directing, I love to write more personal posts on my blog @ www.htmediabysamnicholson.wordpress.com.