8 Reasons You Must Watch HBO's The Leftovers

5. Smart Supernatural

The Leftovers Nora and Kevin

This is an example where the less said the better. The Leftovers is primarily a realistic examination of what happens in the wake of an unrealistic act. However, on occasions the show can change gears and explore some more surreal forms of storytelling.

The show uses the supernatural in a sense where it isn't entirely clear if what we're seeing is really happening or if it is just in the heads of the people seeing it. It really is difficult to say much more, but the dead and what comes after death is a point of discussion for the show in many ways.

With The Leftovers, we see a creative and original take on something that has been done numerous times. Fans of realism will not be put off and fans of more fantastical elements will be thrilled also. There is a reason that the episode International Assassin is as highly praised as it is and considered one of the finest hours of television ever made. To say more would be criminal.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.