8 Reasons You Should Be Watching Netflix's Sense8

4. The Irresistible Relationships

Sense 8 Header

One of the criticisms the show has received is that it often ignores the over-arching conspiracy of people hunting down our main characters in the show to spend more time exploring the personal lives of the characters. The conspiracy element almost feels like a crutch they have to lean on occasionally, but the core of this show is the relationships.

Each character has their own important people in their lives and we get to explore them through the interaction that is caused by all the psychic communication. The personal connections of each character are what drive them into the dangers of their various sub-plots.

Capheus needs money for his mother's medication. Wolfgang pushes himself into risky behavior to prove something to his dead abusive father. Sun Bak's life is completely forfeit to the needs of her father and his company. Building a show on relationships rather than the conspiracy makes the whole experience more personal for the audience.

It is also nice to see romantic relationships on display where there are problems like all romance has but neither side is the villain. It has become clichéd in many shows to make a significant other the source of trouble and conflict for our lead character, but in Sense8 the trouble comes from the outside world.

Like Lito's need to fit into the public perception of his acting roles or pressure from Kala's family with an arranged marriage, the world interferes with the people just trying to be happy.


Currently a freelance writer, on twitter and surrounded by comic books.