8 Reasons You Should Be Watching Netflix's Sense8

3. The Wachowskis

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Warner Bros.

The library of work for Andy and Lana Wachowski suggests that they seem to choose their projects carefully, but each one undeniably has their unique flavor.

Despite the success of The Matrix, not all of their work is always so widely praised however. Cloud Atlas, for example, split the audience pretty definitively between those who loved the movie and those who did not. One way or another, their stories inspire strong emotions and they're never just average work.

When they step up to the plate, they swing for the fences and you have to admire that kind of ambition.

Sense8 is another ambitious undertaking for the duo. They are telling eight different stories in several different countries all while establishing a new brand of science-fiction. Spinning this many plates in the air at once could collapse into a big mess in the hands of lesser talents but the Wachowskis are there to maintain the balance.

The provocative nature of the show, its take on sexuality and social conscience come from them too. Sense8 is a unique tale because of who is telling it.


Currently a freelance writer, on twitter and surrounded by comic books.