8 Reasons You Should Be Watching Netflix's Sense8

1. The Human Experience

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Sense8 doesn't pull a lot of punches: there is some graphic content on the show that will make certain people uncomfortable but there is a reason the show pushes at certain boundaries. It is a story about the lives of people all over the world and how their lives are all different but also similar.

There is one sequence where they flashback to show several births happening all at once. They leave little to the imagination with the birthing process and the graphic nature of those scenes might put some viewers off but it is also, in a way, beautiful. They present certain snapshots of life that we often ignore in regular entertainment.

There is a clear attempt to show life as graphic as it actually can be sometimes. The nudity is realistic; there isn't a character covering up for the camera. The characters that are modest remain modest and the characters that aren't modest aren't portrayed modestly.

Whether or not the dialogue is sometimes cheesy or the exposition is forced, the strongest part of the show is that it gives us a new glimpse of the human experience and how much all of us have in common.

By building a show around the fantastical premise of people who are psychically linked the Wachowskis remind us how connected all of our lives actually are in the real world.


Currently a freelance writer, on twitter and surrounded by comic books.