8 Reasons You Should Be Watching Netflix's Sense8

2. The Locations

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On a purely production level, the locations in Sense8 and all the work surrounding them might be the most impressive thing about the show. When we look in on Kala in Mumbai or Capheus in Nairobi, we aren't just looking at complicated sets in Los Angeles or Vancouver.

The production actually went to all these places and the cast had to go with them. At some point, almost every main character ends up dropping into every other main character's life and they didn't achieve that through special effects.

They loaded the entire cast on a plane and went from city to city and country to country together. This effort brings a whole new level of reality to all the stories they are telling. There are no sloppy CGI shots of London or substituting California for Mexico.

The Wachowskis and their directors also managed to find some of the most beautiful locations in each country and city, especially in India and Iceland. There is a 'making-of' special on Netflix along with the series and it does offer some good insight into what went into the show.


Currently a freelance writer, on twitter and surrounded by comic books.