8 Silly TV Plot Conveniences Made Possible By Utterly Stupid Writing

8. Farewell To Brian - Family Guy

This is probably the most topical item on our list, yet at the same time it is also a classic example of stupid writing. Recently in Family Guy, main character Brian Griffin was killed off and replaced with a fairly uninteresting Italian stereotype, causing the internet to explode with chants of 'Bring Back Brian,' demonstrating how people care a whole lot more about the show than many of us would dare to believe. Of course Brian was always going to come back (anyone with half a brain could see that), but the speed and stupidity in which it was done gives it a place on our list. In essence the show pulled a Superman, simply having a character go back in time and stop the fatal incident taking place, in this case using a baby's time-machine rather than flying around the world really fast. What makes the time-machine get-out-clause even worse is that Stewie had actually destroyed the device before Brian's death, only to get another one two episodes later. Time travel is the ultimate stupid plot convenience enabler, yet Family Guy isn't a show claiming any great narrative, so we can't vindicate them too harshly.

Oldfield is a journalist, reviewer, and amateur comic-book writer (meaning he's yet to be published). He's a man who'll criticise anything, even this biog, which he thinks is a bit crap. For notifications on when new articles are up and game related news, follow him on his Twitter account @DunDunDUH