8 Sitcoms That Did The "Baby Born On The Elevator" Thing

6. Doogie Howser, M.D.

There is nothing legen€”wait for it€”dary about this happening on Doogie Howser, since obviously it wasn't the teenage genius doctor Doogie Howser who was stuck in the elevator to give birth. Of course not! Never will someone qualified to assist in a birth ever be one to be on the elevator with a pregnant woman in labor... ever! No, in this unoriginal episode, Doogie's best friend Vinnie help deliver the baby of his French teacher, of course, because if there's anyway to make the situation more awkward is to have one of your high school students between your legs while you go through the indignity of the birth process.

Matthew Hanover is a coffee addict and aspring novelist in Upstate New York. He blogs and tweets regularly.