8 Star Wars Projects We Can't Wait To See In 2023

5. Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Season 2


The Bad Batch season 2 flew onto our screens on 4 January, and so far, the episodes that have been released are at least of the same quality of those in season 1, if not better. Season 2 picks up with the rogue squad, Clone Force 99, trying to survive in a changing galaxy after the cloning facilities on Kamino were devastated by the Empire. Clone Wars fans can also celebrate with the return of Commander Cody, serving the Empire with ex-Bad Batcher, Crosshair.

Season 2 promises a much darker tone than its predecessor, something that had been criticised about the first season. Speaking to Screen Rant, supervising director Brad Rau said, "We can see the Empire getting bigger and mightier, and more imposing. So if we get closer to that fire, it’s gonna get hot."

Episodes 1-14 were provided to reviewers before the season's launch, with many agreeing that season 2 improves on the first. Discussing Film's Jacob Fisher described it as "one of the best animated seasons yet", and Cinema Blend's Adam Holmes summed the show up as "fun times and wild twists".

So, clearly Star Wars fans are in for a treat with the second season of The Bad Batch, which is now streaming on Disney+.

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Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.