8 Stories Amazon's Lord Of The Rings Could Tell

3. The Origin Of The Rings

Sauron Lord of the Rings
New Line Cinema

The One Ring may rule them all, but it isn't the only one of its kind. If you were paying attention during Fellowship's history lesson, you'll know that lesser rings were also forged for the men, Dwarves and Elves of Middle-earth as part of Sauron's plan to corrupt the entire world and rule over it.

There's an interesting story behind their creation. The Dark Lord takes on the form of Annatar, the Lord of Gifts, and teaches the Elf smith Celebrimbor the art of ring-forging and has him create a batch of them.

Sauron double crosses Celebrimbor by secretly crafting the One Ring and making all of the others subservient to it. When the elf gets wind of this, the two meet in battle and this results in Celebrimbor's defeat, capture and eventual death.

The Lord of the Rings TV series could delve into the origin of the One Ring by telling this story of betrayal on the small screen. Seasons could also be based around the other Rings of Power, those who ended up with them in their possession, and their ultimate fates, exploring how they tie in with the events of the movie trilogies.

As is the case with many of the other entries on this list, exploring the story behind of the rings would give the show plenty of pre-Fellowship content to get through, and the chance to tell tales that enrich the movies by fleshing out their lore.


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