8 Things Community Season 6 Has To Do‏

3. Bring Back Donald Glover

NBCNBCHarmon's return to Community's fifth season was widely celebrated, and the quality of the consequent episodes were a testament to what an important part of the show's success (creatively if not commercially) he was. At the same time, the show was struck as significant blow when it was announced Donald Glover would be bowing out of the study group not long into the season's run. Besides being an incredibly accomplished and hilarious performer, Glover's character Troy was a lynchpin of the show's core dynamic, whose geeky, immature friendship with Abed being one that we all wish we could have. Troy and Abed in the morning, pillow forts, the secret handshake we've all tried and failed to capture the true majesty of ourselves. If there was a true romance in Community, it wasn't between Jeff and Britta, or Jeff and Annie, or Jeff and Dean - ma, people really love Jeff - but between Abed and Troy. They were the stand-in for the writers, the pop culture-obsessed dorks who got to indulge in the things they loved whilst not being ostracised by the outside world. They were also just a consistently hilarious pair of characters who couldn't ever be replaced. Now, this may sound a little harsh, but we kind of hope Donald Glover fails. Following his departure just a handful of episodes into season five - which, we're not too proud to admit, was tearful - the acting/rapping/standing up dynamo signed on to create a music-themed show in which he will star, write, and executive produce. Which, between that and his hip-hop career under the name Childish Gambino, doesn't leave a lot of time to be Troy Barnes. Harmon wants him back, though, and so do we; so, perhaps he'll find some time in his schedule at some point...
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/